Christian Singles Dating Site

So, in celebration of the one week anniversary of my new relationship—a relationship I’m not sure I ever want to be without, but a relationship that has thrown some things into perspective for me—I’ve written a post about dating. While you’re reading, I’d like to encourage you to chat with me in the comments about what you’ve learned about dating from your experiences, or what you’d like to know more about. So, in no particular order, here’s what I know:

Don’t Take Each Date As An End In Itself

Yes, he has a goatee, but what’s your goatee doing on his goatee? A deeply unprofessional angle. I suggest that you start each date with no expectations and no agenda. Be curious about him, and if he tells you about himself, listen. If he tells you about something you enjoy—a hobby, a pastime, or a crazy/awesome fact about himself—make note of it. I’ve definitely realized that if I want to know more about the man I’m dating—or just get to know him better—my goatee is very good.

Ask First

The first date is very easy. Ask. It’s perfectly OK if he doesn’t know if he’s into you or not. Just ask. What’s more, it’s OK if he gives you the cold shoulder or even says no. Wait until you have something to back you up before you ask for a second date. Don’t make assumptions, and don’t get mad if he says no—and don’t take it personally. Chances are, he just needs more time to figure things out. “I’m not ready for a relationship yet,” he might say. Or, he may ask for a little more time to think about it. In either case, you just waited and showed yourself to be a class act, rather than asking a “so is it yes or no?” question on a first date.

Be Clear About What You Want

Tell him what kind of relationship you want. If he seems to be interested, and you like what you see, he might not even have to ask. You know what you want and don’t want, and you aren’t keeping that a secret from him. You aren’t wasting his time. With his help, you can determine what it is you’re looking for in a relationship.

Give Yourself A Chance

Know that it’s his show. You
From the majority of my friends who have been in relationships, the following tips are basically the things they wish they knew going into their relationships. While you may think you’ve got this dating thing figured out, your friends know the ways to cope with the bumps and bruises as well as the happy moments.

You’re okay. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. This is all part of being a human. You’re not meant to be a robot, and the whole point of dating is to have fun and be together, so get over yourself and enjoy your time together.

You’re okay. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. This is all part of being a human. You’re not meant to be a robot, and the whole point of dating is to have fun and be together, so get over yourself and enjoy your time together.

You’re okay. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. This is all part of being a human. You’re not meant to be a robot, and the whole point of dating is to have fun and be together, so get over yourself and enjoy your time together.

I remember going on my first date with this guy. I was extremely nervous. After I met him, he said that he wanted to go for a walk around the park. I think I agreed to it reluctantly. You’re not supposed to give a guy an idea of who you are, but I took it upon myself to walk a little farther than I was willing to admit. I was trying to see if he would just jump in and take me on a walk the whole time. And of course, when we went back to his car, we were both too tired to have sex.

You’re not supposed to give a guy an idea of who you are, but I took it upon myself to walk a little farther than I was willing to admit. I was trying to see if he would just jump in and take me on a walk the whole time. And of course, when we went back to his car, we were both too tired to have sex.

You’re not supposed to give a guy an idea of who you are, but I took it upon myself to walk a little farther than I was willing to admit. I was trying to see if he would just jump in and take me on a walk the whole time. And of course, when we went back to his car, we were both too tired to have sex.

You’re okay. There’s nothing

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