More Than 10 Photoshop Ready Background Images 🕹️







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The development of vector graphics also made it possible for photographers to work with a variety of programs, from Photoshop to Illustrator, and even InDesign.

Any image-editing program, whether it’s simple and limited or complex and powerful, allows you to perform basic modifications to an image. But to do things that may seem impossible in one program, like the Photoshop features described in the next section, you must venture into the land of layers.

Editing images should be fun and relaxing, not stressful. If you find it challenging, take some time off and come back to it later. Patience is the key to finding out what does and doesn’t work with your camera and what tools are truly helpful.

Taking advantage of Photoshop features

Photoshop has many features that allow you to easily modify and enhance images. In this section, we give you a basic overview of the most important Photoshop tools.

Reducing noise

One of the best ways to improve an image is to reduce noise. Noise refers to any unwanted variations in an image, such as areas of high- and low-contrast edges or blotches of color. The different levels of noise can have a drastic effect on the appearance of an image.

Reducing noise in an image is usually quite easy. One way to do so is to use an image-processing tool such as Photoshop’s layer-based tools. If you take a look at Figure 9-1, you can see that in this image, most of the noise has already been removed using the Image — — — Noise filter, which has a Gaussian Blur setting of 3. A 3 setting creates a fairly soft, rather blurry image of the subject, but without much detail, whereas a setting of 7 results in a very clear, sharpened version of the subject.

Photoshop also offers several other methods for reducing noise, including Noise Reduction and Sharpen. If you use the Sharpen filter, make sure to use the default settings and not the Unsharp Mask filter. When using the Unsharp Mask filter, the subject becomes very sharp, but the noise is noticeably much clearer.

Using a Levels Adjustment Layer

You can also reduce noise simply by using the levels adjustments (dial) located in the Levels menu at the top of your tool bar (refer to Figure 9-1). Unlike the noise reduction in the filter menu, the levels adjustment doesn’t blurs the image, but rather adjusts the brightness and contrast of the image

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It features adjustment layers and selection states which can be saved, allowing for easy re-use of changes. It supports layers for objects and effects.

Even though Photoshop Elements is not as powerful or intuitive as Photoshop, it is great for beginners in graphic design and for editing images. It is also known as Photoshop (for Learning Professionals).

Quick reference Table of Contents

Getting Started with Photoshop Elements

The Elements Program has a very beginner friendly interface. To edit images, click on the camera icon at the bottom left corner, select the file and click “Open”. It automatically opens the image and changes it to 100% size.

You can use the top left options to change the toolbox, view options, unit options, settings etc. The top right icons act as switches and buttons for the various tools.

The middle toolbar of the image window consists of the standard buttons for Basic Image Editing, Layers, Adjustments, Effects, Actions and Plug-ins.

Before You Begin with Photoshop Elements

Before working with Photoshop Elements, please make sure you have the following:

Adobe Acrobat Reader / Acrobat X Pro — required to open.pdf files

(required to open.pdf files) Video editing software — to import video files

Text Editor — to write your own tutorials

Note: You can find compatible software in our software list.

The button named “Print” in the toolbar will help you to get an instant photo-prints of the current image. To exit, click on the camera icon (top left corner) and click on “Exit”.

In this tutorial, we will be using Photoshop Elements 9.

1. Select an image

In order to select an image to edit, click on the camera icon at the bottom left corner. It should open up a large size version of your chosen file, ready for you to edit.

2. Select Image

Select the image to edit. You can select the file from the “Open File” dropdown menu, or you can click on “Open File” at the bottom left corner.

You will notice the change in icon to a “camera”. This is because you are now editing an image.

3. Open and Save

Open the current file by clicking on the camera icon and selecting the file.

It should open the image up

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Conditional Lasers: The Next Generation of Lasers

Photonic Integration

Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC)s are the backbone of next generation communication systems.

Conditional Lasers

Although optical data links are used throughout the internet, the core networks have only recently been able to transport bandwidth-intensive video. The bottleneck faced by the current generation of video transmission infrastructures is the 300Gb/s optical connectors and optical connectors on the transceiver. Very few optical transceivers support the complex detection processes that permit multiple video streams to be transmitted through a single connector. Therefore, systems over 100Gb/s will only be feasible when new connector technologies are developed or optical transceivers become available that can carry multiple channels over a single connector (such as optical serial transceivers). However, before these advanced optical connections can be built into an entire network, the technology must be scaled and performance is improved.

Researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara have created a new class of lasers called conditional lasers. Conditional lasers generate the light with just the right wavelength to activate a photonic integrated circuit element (PIC) and transmit the light from the device.

As the name implies, conditional lasers are lasers that only generate a specific wavelength when activated by an external source. For example, the laser could be activated by a photodetector to generate a certain wavelength (such as a color) when it detects that the light is moving toward it. The team developed a variety of specific lasers designed for different use cases in the chip industry and published their work in a recent issue of Nature Photonics.

The potential application of conditional lasers is enormous. External activation could be as simple as a light source or as complex as a plurality of detectors. The authors used an example of a laser actuated by a photodetector to illustrate the possibilities. The photodetector will only activate the laser if the light it detects is moving towards the laser. If the light is moving away from the laser, the photodetector will never activate the laser. In this example, all of the photodetector’s photosensitive surface is not activated by its incoming light. The laser only emits a specific wavelength if it is activated by the photodetector.

The team is now looking to commercialize the technology as a high-speed photonic component. The devices are compact and can be fabricated using semiconductor processes. They can be used in various phot

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Rotation of an Object in OpenGL and GLSL

I’ve been working on this OpenGL little game for some time now. The game itself is solved for now, however I’m having some problems with the rotation. I can rotate it properly, but I want to rotate it on y-axis. At the moment the game rotates using the x and y axis and rotates in circles due to the x and y axis.
Here is my rotation matrix with the z axis being zero:
GLKMatrix4 mat;
GLKMatrix3 axis_rx, axis_ry;
GLKMatrix4 result;


// Global projection
axis_rx.rotate(-90.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
axis_ry.rotate(-90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);


result = mat;

This is the X and Y axis rotation:
axis_rx.rotate(90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
axis_ry.rotate(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);


Unfortunately it still rotates in circles. Do you guys have a way to fix this?


GLKMatrix4 uses a different coordinate system when it comes to rotation matrices than the fixed function matrices you are using. If you want to switch back to the fixed function matrix system then just define:
mat = mat.rotation(90);


What does the 面 do at the end of this sentence?

I’m having trouble understanding the meaning of the last part of the following sentence

Advice is passed on to everyone.

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System Requirements:

Windows 7 (64 bit)
512 MB of RAM (or more if you want to use Unity 3D editor)
32-bit or 64-bit CPU (Intel Core 2 Duo)
DirectX 9.0c (not Vista compatible)
1024 x 768 or higher resolution.
To install free additional memory for more than 1024×768 resolution, download the ‘Ooboo AVD Manager’ and install it.
GPU requirements: OpenGL
To run the game on a device, it is recommended

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